I just bought a new subscription for a year on the app. When i payed and went back to the app it said: Payment declined. I've tried refunding it but it just doesnt want to work. Hopefully i'll get in touch soon. Here is a screenshot for proof. My account name on seemusic is: Gamintime2019@gmail.com Thank you for reading and hopefully it'll get resolved soon <3

Glad to hear it! 😀. Thank you!
I'm not sure what might have been going wrong with this issue... the issue with Windows purchasing is now fixed in Version 4.3, but I don't think there was anything wrong with Android purchasing. Are you still having issues? If so, can you make the purchase on a different platform instead?
Something seems to have broken inside the purchasing system in the app, even though I've made no changes or updates in the last few days... and unfortunately I'm away from my work computer until Monday.
I'll get this fixed first thing next week.
If you have a receipt for a purchase that wasn't refunded, please forward the Google Play email receipt to visualmusicdesign@gmail.com. I searched "gamintime2019@gmail.com" in the Google Play system and couldn't find any orders with that email - is that the email for your Google Play account?
So sorry about this!
I just got it refunded and tried again. It didn't work but i got charged and another error and no upgrade. I think i'll get the money back tomorrow from today's purchase. Is there any other way i can get a yearly subscription? As i can only pay from the app on my phone as that goes in euro's. Please help as i really need it. Thank you