Hello, I am having problems with midi recordings. I live record the midi using a digital piano, and when I play it back through seemusic it will show a random note being held throughout the whole recording which was not played. Do you know how I can fix this?
(In photo below) there is an F# and E that are not being played but shows up on the video.

Ok, I recorded midi with a different app and uploaded it to SeeMusic and it seemed to work out fine.
Thank you.
Thank you for the clarification, and the screenshot. That's very strange...
Are those wrong notes in the MIDI file you sent? It looked like the MIDI file you sent had been edited and nothing was wrong in the MIDI file.
In general, I'm not sure there is much I will be able to do to help with this at this time, as I'm not able to replicate the issue.
I think the best solution would be to record in a different app, then import to SeeMusic after recording.
Sorry, I'm having a difficult time seeing where the issue is in the MIDI file that you emailed - can you clarify some timestamps or notes where the issue is?
I sent an email.
I noticed that arpeggios usually trigger more of the notes to become glitched.
I just did multiple test recordings - slamming every note on the keyboard for several minutes, as well as recording Chopin nocturnes straight for 12 minutes, and everything seems to have recorded perfectly. I can't seem to reproduce this issue. That doesn't mean it isn't happening because of SeeMusic - it just means it may be very difficult for me to help with this issue.
That being said, I did have this issue previously with one of my keyboards, before I ever created SeeMusic. It was related to the physical keyboard, and the notes only appeared in the MIDI after stopping recording. It was very strange. This theoretically is an issue that could be happening independently of SeeMusic.
1. In any case, please send at least 2 of the MIDIs that has the issue in it - you can either upload to this post or email to visualmusicdesign@gmail.com
2. Do you notice any pattern or style of playing that seems to trigger the issue?
1. Does it happen every time you record?
2. Are the keys stuck in the visualization as well when you record? Or is the issue only present after recording in the recorded MIDI?
3. Is the issue present when you record with a different MIDI software?
This is usually an issue with the piano hardware, not SeeMusic.
The best solution would be to use a different keyboard.
I dont know either, happened to me once. You could delete the 2 notes.